My name is Jesse Otradovec. I have the following qualities:

Love of Physics

  • I get really excited about science.
  • Angular momentum still feels a bit like magic to me. I hope that wonder at physics never wears off.
  • I have a BS in Physics and Astronomy-Physics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.-
  • I’ve done research on the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model and on comparing various phenominological models used in the pipline in hunting for gravitational waves from LIGO.
  • My next project is on a particle physics data set. I’m excessively excited about it. I miss physics.
  • I’d really like to get back into physics research after Lambda School with all my shiny new Data Science knowledge.

Love of Data, and Data Visualizations

  • I’m currently enjoying being a student at Lambda School, which is a great learning environment. I’m on the Full-Time Data Science track, slotted to be done in May. Keep checking in here as I build my portfolio!
  • I enjoy presenting data in visually pleasing and accessible ways.
  • I’m currently interested in machine learning models being used to streamline particle detection at colliders like the LHC.
  • I’m the sort who can spend a whole afternoon getting a plot to look just so in matplotlib. I love beautiful plots. And have so many feelings about plots that are hard to read.

Pack and Fun

  • I like D&D and other tabletop RPGs. I’m playing a Pathfinder game with Lambda students. I also have a meatspace D&D campaign going on.
  • I do daycare for a few dogs because my dog is really social and is happier when he has friends who come and visit him.
  • I have nine rats who are my world. I’m a rat person. I love rats so much. They are so smart and affectionate.